SUNY Bulletin No. SU-45

UUP Dues and Agency Shop Refunds
Date Issued
November 3, 2000


To explain a refund of UUP dues and agency shop deductions due certain employees in departments 28050, 28100, 28110, 28170 and 28380.

Affected Employees

Employees in bargaining unit 08 in the above departments who were paid certain earnings and had a UUP dues deduction code of 222 or an agency shop deduction code 215

Effective Date

Checks dated November 8, 2000

OSC Actions

OSC has identified the following earn codes where the amounts were included in the calculation of UUP dues and agency shop in error. The earn codes are:

LSO (LSP CAL/21P) RCL (Recall OT)
RLS (Retro LSP CAL/21P) ROC (Rcall standby OT)
RRO (retro reall OT) SBU (Standby unclassified)
SOU (Standby OT unclassified) RRC (retro recall standby OT)

OSC corrected the dues calculation by excluding the above codes from the calculation of UUP dues and agency shop effective in paychecks dated June 7, 2000.

For the period prior to June 7th, OSC identified employees who received the above earnings and whose dues or agency shop deduction was calculated in error. These employees will receive a dues or agency shop fee refund. A listing identifying affected employees with the amount of the refund will be sent to the agencies. If an employee has transferred out of a department after the erroneous dues or agency shop was calculated, OSC will refund the employee in the current department.

Agency Actions

Notify affected employees


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Deduction mailbox.