Navigating the Site
Once you've logged into the system, the Welcome to Online Services Dashboard is displayed. Under the Online Services Applications section, click on the Office of Operations Contact Management System (OOOCMS) button.
Updating Contacts
When you view a contact, the choices below appear. When updating information, always provide business contact information rather than personal contact information.
Verify Contact Information
- If the contact information for the selected contact is correct, choose Verify.
- Click OK to verify the selected contact.
Modify Contacts
- If the contact listed is correct, but the contact information needs to be updated, choose Edit.
- Update the information as necessary, being sure to use business contact information. Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.
- Once all required fields are up-to-date, click the certification checkbox above the Save button to confirm that the information you are about to submit is correct.
- Click the Save button to submit the changes.
Inactivate a Contact
- If the contact listed is no longer in the position on record, choose Inactivate.
- Click OK to inactivate the selected contact.
- Inactivated contacts will remain for one year. After one year, the inactivated contacts will be permanently purged from the system.
Create Contacts
- If there is a contact in a position that is not listed, choose New Contact.
- Once you've selected New Contact, the New Contact Wizard will guide you through the process of creating a contact. Enter the contact’s information, being sure to use business contact information. Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.
- Click the Finish button to create the new contact.
Organizational Roles
An organizational role identifies common functions within organizations without regard to a person’s official title. For example, the organizational role "State Agency - Head of Agency" can be designated as Commissioner, Chancellor, or Director, and so on.
Refer to the Guide to Financial Operations Section XIV.15 Updating Agency Contacts for a list of organizational roles with definitions.