New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting

A view of the Empire State Plaza

New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting

State Comptroller DiNapoli provides independent monitoring, oversight and analysis of the State's fiscal position. He regularly issues reports on budget and policy issues, economic trends, and financial reports.

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COVID-19 Relief Program Tracker


This tool monitors spending of federal recovery aid and COVID-19 relief programs in the State. The dashboard explains each federal and State program, and how much has been received and spent to date. The data will be updated monthly and New Yorkers can use the tool to understand how federal aid is used and to inform future conversations about budget priorities.

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pile of one hundred dollar bills

Report on the State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Enacted Budget

Relative Fiscal Stability Provides Opportunity to Tackle State’s Budget Challenges

New York’s financial outlook is in a relatively stable position, but continues to have a structural budget deficit, with a cumulative three-year budget gap of $13.9 billion forecasted by the Division of the Budget. Action is needed to align projected State spending with revenues and address factors that challenge the State’s finances, economic competitiveness, and ability to offer services effectively over the long term.

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statue of liberty

Welcome Back to New York: An Analysis of Post-Pandemic Travel

Industry Job Recovery Uneven Across State

The tourism industry’s post-pandemic recovery is uneven across the State, with Long Island nearly at full recovery of jobs lost while the North Country and Mohawk Valley are struggling to regain their footing. Visitors flocked to outdoor destinations, with attendance at State parks 9.1% higher in 2023 over 2000, while jobs are still 4.3% below pre-pandemic levels.

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Moving in the Wrong Direction: Traffic Fatalities Are Growing in New York State

Economic and Policy Insights

Motor vehicle fatalities in New York State have risen 25.8% since 2019, with fatalities in 2022 at the highest level in a decade, even as the number of vehicle miles travelled, licensed drivers and traffic accidents have declined. State lawmakers recently enacted “Sammy’s Law,” which allows New York City to reduce speed limits in certain “safety zones” that are prone to pedestrian traffic injuries and fatalities. Such discretion could be provided to other local governments looking for ways to make their roads safer.

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Albany, New York State Capitol building with water in foreground

New York State Agency Use of Overtime and State Workforce Trends, 2014 – 2023


New York State agency overtime costs in 2023 were $1.2 billion, down 11.6% from 2022, marking the first decrease in total overtime earnings since 2016. This decrease was led by three of the five largest users of overtime and was further reduced by other agencies, whose role in responding to the pandemic waned in 2023. In 2023, overtime as a share of payroll was at its second highest rate since 2007.

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shimmering water in front of New York State Capitol

Enacted Budget Report: State Fiscal Year 2024-25

Analysis Identifies Risks to Financial Plan in Years Ahead

The estimated $237 billion Enacted Budget for State Fiscal Year 2024-25 increases spending for vital state services like Medicaid and school aid and includes new funding and policy changes to spur the creation of much needed housing, but the State’s financial outlook includes several risks. At the State level, certain revenue streams that have been critical to maintaining budget balance are either scheduled to expire or be depleted in the years ahead, meaning current spending levels will be difficult to sustain. Finally, the Budget also includes troubling provisions that limit transparency and accountability.

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child holding teddy bear

New York Children in Need: The Urgency of Lifting Children Out of Poverty


Nearly one in five New York children live in poverty, and rates are significantly higher in some of New York's largest cities. With the 2021 Child Poverty Reduction Act, New York has set a goal to reduce child poverty by 50% by 2031 and has taken action in recent State budgets. The State and federal government have the solutions to lift more children out of poverty, and policymakers should act with urgency to use them.

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mother holding baby while cooking stew

Food Insecurity Persists Post-Pandemic

Economic and Policy Insights

Food insecurity is increasing in New York, with one-in-nine households (11.3% or 875,000 families) unable to get enough food at some point during 2020 through 2022 because they lacked money or other resources. Nationally, food insecurity increased for the first time in over a decade to 11.2% during 2020 through 2022. With the end of the pandemic, many of the enhancements to federal safety net programs also ended. Additional federal and state efforts are needed to address food insecurity.

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