Request for Qualifications
Issued by the Office of the State Comptroller
Issued June 7, 2024
OSC, as Administrative Head of the New York State and Local Retirement System and the Local Police and Fire Retirement System (“NYSLRS”) and as authorized by the Retirement and Social Security Law, is seeking to contract with entities able to provide the services of physicians having general and specialized medical education, experience, and expertise (“Physicians”). Such Physicians will act as Independent Medical Examiners and will conduct Independent Medical Examinations (“IMEs”) for NYSLRS’ Medical Board (“Board”), render professional, technical, and expert advice and opinion in connection with the medical examinations, and will testify at administrative disability hearings on an as-needed basis (“Services”).
To view the advertisement, visit the New York State Contract Reporter (CR #2110792)
All information as it becomes available, is available for download through the following links:
- Attachment 1 (Fee Schedule)
- Attachment 2 (Certifications)
- Attachment 3 (OSC Procurement Forms)
- Draft Contract
- Responses to Questions
Entities interested in this opportunity must provide the following:
- A brief narrative describing entity’s experience in providing qualified Physicians to perform IMEs and expertise in the facilitation of medical examinations, including scheduling, reporting, and coordinating the Physician services;
- A list of Physicians available to provide IME services. Identify Physician location(s) (office address), specialty, and indicate physicians on the list whose fees are outside of those fees listed on Attachment 1;
- Attachment 2 (Certifications), completed and signed; and
- Attachment 3 (OSC Procurement Forms), completed and signed.
NOTE: This is a continuous recruitment solicitation. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applications will be reviewed at least quarterly. OSC may amend or issue addenda to this solicitation. It is the physician’s responsibility to become aware of any such amendments and/or addenda prior to submission of a response. All amendments and/or addenda to procurements will be posted to the OSC website. Applicants may be asked to supply additional documentation as determined necessary to NYSLRS during review of applications.
This Solicitation is subject to, and shall be conducted in accordance with, the OSC Executive Order on Procurement Integrity and OSC’s Procurement Integrity Procedures, both of which are available in full as Appendix D to the contract on the OSC website noted above, or upon email request. All inquiries concerning this procurement must be addressed to Director of Finance, or designee(s) at OSC, via email (preferred) to [email protected] or via hard copy mail to:
Director of Finance
Questions for Medical Examiners Continuous Recruitment (RFQual #24-01)
Office of the State Comptroller
110 State Street, Stop 13-2
Albany, NY 12236-0001
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