Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.

County, Court and Trust | Other

July 15, 2022 –

The County Clerk and Surrogate's Court are responsible for maintaining up-to-date and complete records for court and trust funds and abandoned property. Pursuant to New York State Finance Law Section 184, the Treasurer is required to submit a report on an annual basis to the State Comptroller accounting for all money, securities and other properties deposited to court and ordered into his custody.

BOCES | Financial Condition

July 8, 2022 –

While the Board and BOCES officials properly established reserve funds, they did not transparently fund the reserves or use or maintain reserve funds at reasonable levels.

Town | Information Technology

July 8, 2022 –

Town officials did not ensure IT systems were adequately secured and protected against unauthorized use, access and loss. In addition to sensitive IT control weaknesses that we communicated confidentially to Town officials.

Industrial Development Agency, City | Other

July 8, 2022 –

The City of Poughkeepsie Industrial Development Agency (CPIDA) Board did not properly evaluate and approve projects and monitor the performance of businesses that received financial benefits.

School District | Medicaid

July 8, 2022 –

The District did not maximize Medicaid reimbursements by submitting claims for all eligible Medicaid services provided.

School District | Financial Condition

July 8, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not adopt realistic budgets and did not properly manage fund balance.

BOCES | Purchasing

July 8, 2022 –

While the 198 BOCES purchase card charges we reviewed were adequately supported and for valid purposes, only one was properly approved.

Local Development Corporation, County | Other

July 8, 2022 –

The Board did not properly manage and monitor the revolving loan fund program. As a result, the Board cannot ensure the loan proceeds were used to further the Corporation's mission.

School District | Purchasing

July 8, 2022 –

District officials did not always seek competition to procure goods and services not subject to competitive bidding.

School District | Financial Condition

July 8, 2022 –

The Board appropriated fund balance that was not needed to fund operations and was not transparent when funding reserves.

Village | Financial Condition

July 8, 2022 –

The Board did not adopt realistic budgets or monitor and effectively manage fund balance.

Industrial Development Agency, County | Other

July 1, 2022 –

The Board and officials did not properly approve and monitor projects. Therefore, the Board could not effectively evaluate projects or hold project owners accountable.

Town | Records and Reports

July 1, 2022 –

The Supervisor did not maintain accurate accounting records and reports, and the Board could improve its oversight of financial operations.

School District | Employee Benefits

July 1, 2022 –

Certain compensation paid to District administrators and business office personnel was inaccurate and/or did not have proper supporting documentation.

BOCES | Information Technology

July 1, 2022 –

BOCES officials did not ensure network access and IT assets were properly safeguarded from unauthorized use, access and loss. In addition, sensitive IT control weaknesses were communicated confidentially to officials.

School District | Financial Condition

July 1, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not effectively manage the District's financial condition. As a result, the District levied more taxes than needed to fund operations.

School District | Claims Auditing, Purchasing

July 1, 2022 –

District officials did not comply with statutory requirements or the District's procurement policy when purchasing goods and services. Also, claims did not have adequate supporting documentation and were not properly audited before they were paid.

Fire Company or Department | Other

July 1, 2022 –

We issued a report in May 2019 identifying certain conditions and opportunities related to cash receipts and disbursements for the Department management's review and consideration. Our audit included recommendations for the following findings: rental payments, disbursements made by the Treasurer and collections from the clothing organization, ambulance corporation and fundraising activities. To further our policy of providing assistance to local governments, we revisited the Department on February 22, 2022 to review progress in implementing our recommendations. Our follow-up review was limited to interviews with Department personnel and inspection of certain documents related to the issues identified in our report. Based on our limited procedures, it appears that the Department has made limited progress implementing corrective action. Of the 10 audit recommendations, one recommendation was implemented, three recommendations were partially implemented, and six recommendations were not implemented.

School District | Financial Condition

July 1, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not properly manage fund balance and reserve funds.

BOCES | Claims Auditing

July 1, 2022 –

Claims we reviewed were supported and for appropriate BOCES purposes. However, all claims were not audited or approved prior to payment. As a result, BOCES has a higher risk of inaccurate or improper payments occurring.