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NEWS from the Office of the New York State Comptroller
Contact: Press Office 518-474-4015

DiNapoli: Local Governments Levy $36.6 Billion in Property Taxes

November 12, 2019

Local governments in New York levied a total of $36.6 billion in property taxes in 2019 – an increase of 2.4 percent over 2018, according to a report released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. Annual property tax levy increases have slowed significantly since 2005 and dipped below 2 percent in 2015, where they remained until 2019.

"Taxpayers want to know how their taxes compare to other municipalities and whether their local officials are holding the line on tax increases," DiNapoli said. "Overall, municipalities have generally held property tax levy growth to below 2 percent for the last few years."

DiNapoli’s report examined local municipalities statewide, excluding New York City.

There are more than 3,700 taxing jurisdictions with independent authority to levy property taxes in New York State. These include counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, fire districts and other special districts. Property tax collections are a significant revenue source for local governments, making up 43 percent of revenues in 2018. In 2012, the state implemented a 2 percent property tax cap that limits levy increases to 2 percent or the rate of inflation, whichever is less, with some exceptions.

From 2017 to 2019, property tax levies increased the most in cities (6.1 percent), towns (4.4 percent) and school districts (4 percent). Village levies grew 1.7 percent. The report also notes that school districts alone levied nearly $23 billion in 2019 or 63 percent of all property taxes. Counties accounted for nearly $6 billion or 16 percent of property taxes.

Other findings:

  • Four counties (Erie, Oswego, Columbia and Nassau) saw property values grow by more than 10 percent in the past two years.
  • School districts generally imposed the highest tax rates at $17.46 per $1,000 of full property value.
  • City tax rates were twice as high as those in villages and nearly three times higher than those in towns.


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