New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced today the following audits have been issued.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Long Island Rail Road (LIRR): Management of Capital Projects (2018-S-70)
LIRR’s capital management process is guided by a series of Department of Program Management procedures; however, project managers do not always comply with, and contractors/consultants are not required to follow, these procedures. Auditors believe this contributed to LIRR completing 10 of 11 sampled projects late, ranging from three months to over four years. In addition, eight of the projects sampled were over budget.
Office of Information Technology Services (ITS): Oversight of Information Technology Consultants and Contract Staffing (Follow-Up) (2020-F-21)
An audit issued in September 2019 found that ITS was monitoring information technology services procured from consultants and contract staff to ensure compliance with contract terms and deliverables. For 14 of the 20 contracts reviewed, ITS provided adequate oversight to ensure that the contractor or consultant was meeting the deliverables. For the remaining six contracts, for which ITS paid out more than $156 million, there were deficiencies in contract monitoring. In a follow up, auditors found ITS has made progress in correcting the problems identified in the initial report.
State Education Department (SED): Mary Cariola Children’s Center, Inc. – Compliance With the Reimbursable Cost Manual (2020-S-25)
Mary Cariola is a not-for-profit organization located in Monroe County that provides preschool special education services to children with disabilities who are three and four years of age. Mary Cariola is reimbursed for these services through rates set by SED. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, auditors identified $12,744 in ineligible costs that Mary Cariola reported for reimbursement.
State Education Department (SED): Wayne County Chapter NYSARC, Inc. (ARC Wayne) – Compliance With the Reimbursable Cost Manual (2020-S-30)
ARC Wayne is a not-for-profit organization located in Wayne County. Among other programs, ARC Wayne provides preschool special education services to children with disabilities who are three and four years of age. ARC Wayne is reimbursed for these services through rates set by SED. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, auditors identified $20,988 in ineligible costs that ARC Wayne reported for reimbursement
Department of Health: Medicaid Program – Claims Processing Activity Oct. 1, 2019 Through March 31, 2020 (2019-S-53)
Auditors identified about $2.9 million in improper Medicaid payments that require the department’s prompt attention, including: $978,966 was paid for inpatient claims that were billed at a higher level of care than what was actually provided; $740,920 was paid for newborn birth claims that contained inaccurate information; and $513,427 was paid for practitioner, clinic, inpatient, pharmacy, and episodic home health care claims that did not comply with Medicaid policies.
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