To inform agencies of the completion of the internal payroll development testing. Inbound and Outbound file interfaces to and from PayServ test environments to reflect the conversion from legacy cost centers to the new COA accounting structure in SFS will be available for testing
Affected Employees
The accounting, reporting and payroll distribution test data for employees paid through PayServ
Over the past several months OSC Payroll has been developing new layouts and testing the agency and statewide inbound and outbound interface files due to the conversion to the statewide chart of accounts structure.
Agencies will be able to compare data from the PayServ test environments and the SFS Business Process Test environment using limited sample test data to verify payroll charges as well as the accuracy of the chartfield strings converted for testing.
Sample Data
Sample data of employees paid through PayServ test environments
OSC Actions
OSC will submit the following test files to agencies that have requested to test their new layouts between February 5th – February 19th, 2015: Interface File Layouts impacted (SUNY & DEC only) Inbound: NHRP521 - One Time Distribution Interface - Agency Split File Outbound: NHRP501 - Agency Master File NHRP522 - One Time Distribution Output File and Unload Interface
* Files will be submitted with the following naming convention: Admin agencies - paysr.nhrp501.a.ac99999.dat.test
Institution agencies - paysr.nhrp501.i.ac99999.dat.test
The following link is where agencies will be able to view the updated layouts as well as any future documentation related to the COA Conversion. PayServ Chart of Accounts Conversion.
Changes to Control D report layouts will be provided in a separate bulletin expected to be released late February.
Agency Actions
Agencies who would like to participate in the testing of these layouts, should email the System Support Group between Thursday, February 5, 2015 – Thursday, February 19, 2015 at: [email protected].
Please include the following information in your email. Test Contact Name: Test Contact Phone Number: Agency Code: File Transfer data:
Agencies should be aware that the testing of these new file layouts will include data and employees from a test environment which may contain a smaller sample of employees than in Production.
Full database test files will be available sometime between the last week of February and early March. A revised bulletin will be issued when the large files are available.
Questions may be directed to System Support Group at [email protected].
Please include the bulletin number in the Subject line of all emails pertaining to this bulletin.