To notify agencies of a new form AC3440 Request for Payroll Check Stop Payment to be used to stop and reissue New York State payroll checks
Under the current business process, state agencies submit Form TD346 to the Division of the Treasury to request a payroll check stop payment and check reissuance. The reissued payroll check is processed through the Statewide Financial System (SFS) and sent to the state agency.
Under the new business process, state agencies must email new form AC3340 Request for Payroll Check Stop Payment to the Uncashed & Reissued NYS Payroll Checks mailbox. OSC’s Bureau of State Payroll Services will reissue a payroll check through SFS to the employee’s address or deceased employee’s next-of-kin.
The Payroll Check Notification Report (See Bulletin 1683) will be posted to the PayServ Bulletin Board weekly to show the status of these transactions. This report will include information going back three months.
Effective Date(s)
OSC Actions
OSC’s Bureau of State Payroll Services will reissue payroll checks once per week through the Statewide Financial System (SFS). These checks will be mailed to the employee’s home address located in the Modify a Person page in PayServ.
OSC will update the Payroll Check Notification Report (See Bulletin 1683) once per week on the PayServ Bulletin Board. The report will show three months of reissued payroll checks dating back to the voucher creation date.
Please note: The Payee Reference/Invoice No. on the reissued check will be the original check number combined with the original check date.
Agency Actions
Agencies must:
- Email all AC3340 Request for Payroll Check Stop Payment request forms to the Uncashed & Reissued NYS Payroll Checks mailbox.
- If the stop payment is for a lost or destroyed payroll check that requires a reversal, please submit the AC230 at the same time as the AC3340.
- If the stop payment is for a lost or destroyed payroll check that requires an exchange, please submit the AC1476 and supporting documents at the same time as the AC3340.
- Ensure the employee’s address is up-to-date in the Modify a Person page in PayServ.
Questions should be directed to the Uncashed & Reissued NYS Payroll Checks mailbox.