The purpose of this bulletin is to inform agencies of their inability to submit a change to the Direct Deposit panel while accounting reconciliation reports are being generated. Additionally, employees will be unable to submit a change to their direct deposit advice print option in NYSPO while accounting reconciliation reports are being generated.
Affected Employees:
Agency users attempting to make changes to the Direct Deposits panel will be affected.
NYS employees attempting to change their direct deposit advice print option via NYSPO are also affected.
Effective Dates:
Effective every Thursday morning for approximately one hour beginning on April 21, 2022.
Please note, this disruption will occur after the completion of the confirm of the specials payroll cycle every week. Therefore, an early confirm of the payroll schedule may impact the timing of this disruption to the Direct Deposit panel and NYSPO. Agencies should reference the Agency Submission Schedule to verify early payroll schedules.
OSC Actions:
OSC Payroll will configure the Direct Deposit Panel to be read only while accounting reconciliation reports are being generated. This will prohibit Agency Payroll Officers, as well as NYSPO users, from updating their Direct Deposit record or updating the suppress DD Advice Print (Opt In/Out) option for printed direct deposit advices. This configuration change will happen each week starting on Thursday morning. Users will be able to access this page again to make changes once the reports have completed. Agency users should refer to the submission schedule for the check dates where there is an early confirm schedule.
Agency Actions:
Agencies must notify affected employees. Screenshots of both the online Request Direct Deposit panel as well as the NYSPO Opt In/Out page are displayed below.
Questions regarding the disruption to NYSPO access should be directed to the NYSPO Help mailbox.
Questions regarding the disruption to the Direct Deposit panel should be directed to the Payroll Deductions mailbox.