The purpose of this bulletin is to inform agencies of OSC’s automatic processing of the October 2023 PEF Performance Advances and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically.
Affected Employees:
Employees in the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Unit – BU05 who meet the eligibility criteria are affected.
Chapter 190 of the Laws of 2023, which implemented the 2023-2026 Agreement between the State of New York and PEF, provides for payment of performance advances on October 1 to eligible PEF employees. Payments will be based on the 2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect).
Effective Dates:
The October 2023 PEF Performance Advances will be paid using the following effective dates and check dates:
Pay Cycle/Pay Period Type | Payment Effective Date | Check Date |
Administration 14 Lag | 09/28/2023 | 10/25/2023 |
Institution 14 Lag | 10/05/2023 | 11/02/2023 |
Eligibility Criteria:
Performance Advance
Employees in graded positions (Grade 001-037) and NS positions (Grade 600), which are equated to a grade (Grade 001-037) and whose annual salary is below the Job Rate of the employee’s grade on the payment effective date based on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect), are eligible for the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance provided the employee:
- Is in a BU05 position on the payment effective date; and
- Has completed one (1) year of service in such grade by 10/01/2023; and
- Has a Comp Rate Code of ANN on the payment effective date; and
- Was rated at least “Satisfactory” or its equivalent on their last rating date; and
- Did not receive a performance advance in April 2023.
Promotion Recalculation
Employees who would have been eligible to receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance but were promoted to a higher grade in any bargaining unit prior to October 2023 may be eligible for a revised promotion salary (promotion recalculation) provided the employee is not eligible for a performance advance in the higher grade in October 2023.
Ineligible for Performance Advance
Employees with an “Unsatisfactory” evaluation on their last rating date are ineligible to receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance. The agency must submit a Data Chg on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code USP (Unsat Perf) and an increment code of 1003 in the Incr. Code field to withhold the performance advance. The effective date should be the employee’s last rating date. This transaction should be submitted as soon as practicable following the employee’s rating date and must be submitted prior to the automatic processing of the October 2023 PEF Performance Advances.
Increment Code 1003 is also used to identify employees who have not completed one (1) year of service in their grade on the payment effective date and to prevent these employees from receiving the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance.
If Increment Code 1003 appears in an employee’s record at the time of processing the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance, the increment code will be updated automatically to indicate the employee’s eligibility for the next performance advance (see OSC Actions).
Control-D Report Available Prior to Processing:
The following Control-D report will be available for agency use on 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution). This will give agencies time to correct employees’ records, if necessary, prior to the automatic processing of the October 2023 PEF Performance Advances. The report will be sorted by Department ID, then by employee name in alphabetical order.
NHRP708 – Mass Increment Payment Exception Report
This report is a preliminary listing of employees who appear ineligible to receive the October 2023 Performance Advance, Promotion Recalculation, or Increment Code Update based on information available as of the date the report is produced. Included on the report is one or more of the following messages which identifies the reason(s) the employee’s record will not be updated:
- NYS Position Has Both Equated Grade and NTE – if the employee’s Grade on the Position Data page (based on the NYS Position Number) is equal to 600 and a value exists in both the Equated to Grade field and the Approved Salary Rate field.
- Position and Job do not match – if the Position Number equals the NYS Position Number on the employee’s Job Data page but the Bargaining Unit, Salary Administration Plan, or Grade on the Job Data page and the Position Data page are not equal.
- FIS Missing – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 1004 and the FIS Amount field is blank.
- FIS At or Below Current – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 1004 and the value in the FIS Amount field is less than or equal to the employee’s current salary.
- FIS Below Hiring Rate – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 1004 and the value in the FIS Amount field is less than the Hiring Rate for the employee’s grade on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect).
- Increment Code Missing – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is blank or ‘0000’.
- Increment Code Invalid – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is other than 0001, 0003, 0004, 1000, 1001, 1003, 1004, 0128, 1028, 0328, 1328, 2222, 7777, 19XX, 20XX, XX10.
- Inc Code Req Review – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 2222, 0128, 1028, 0328, 1328.
- Inc Code not in Anniv Dt range – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 1001 or 1003 and the employee’s Anniversary Date is between 10/02/XXXX and 04/01/XXXX.
- Sal Below Hiring Rate – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 1001, 1003, or 1004 and the employee’s salary is less than the Hiring Rate for the employee’s grade on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect).
- Sal At or Above Job Rate – if the increment code on the employee’s Job Data page is 1001, 1003, or 1004 and the employee’s salary is equal to or greater than the Job Rate for the employee’s grade on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect).
If an employee appears on this report but is due a performance advance, promotion recalculation, or increment code update, the agency must take the following action:
- Submit the appropriate transaction(s) on the Job Action Requests page to correct the information on the Job Data row(s).
- If the row(s) is corrected prior to Administration Pay Period 14L or Institution Pay Period 14L, the automatic performance advance, promotion recalculation, or increment code update will be processed.
- Submit a Position Change Request to the Position Management Unit if the position information is incorrect on the Position Data page in PayServ but is correct in NYSTEP.
- The position will be updated to reflect the change and the automatic performance advance, promotion recalculation, or increment code update will be processed provided the agency’s position request contains the same information as the position information in NYSTEP.
OSC Actions:
OSC will process the October 2023 PEF Performance Advances, Promotion Recalculations, and Increment Code Updates for those employees who meet the eligibility criteria and have a Payroll Status of Active, Leave With Pay, or Leave of Absence due to a Workers’ Compensation Leave on the payment effective date with the following exceptions:
- Eligible employees in a composite position (identified by Increment Code 2222) on the payment effective date.
- Eligible employees in a Teaching and Research Nurse position (identified by Increment Code 1028) and ineligible employees in a Teaching and Research Nurse position (identified by Increment Code 1328) at SUNY Stony Brook (Deptid 28058).
- Eligible employees with a Payroll Status of Leave With Pay and an Action/Reason code of Paid Leave of Absence/SKL (Sick Lv) on the payment effective date.
Performance Advance Processing
Performance advances will be processed for eligible employees with Increment Code 1001 and an Anniversary Date between 04/02/XXXX and 10/01/XXXX on the payment effective date. OSC will automatically insert a row on the employee’s Job Data page effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution) using the Action/Reason code of Pay Rate Change/PAV (Perf Adv) and will increase the employee’s salary to reflect payment of the performance advance. The employee’s salary will be capped at the Job Rate of the employee’s grade on the payment effective date based on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect).
Promotion Recalculation Processing
Promotion recalculations will be processed for eligible employees with Increment Code 1004 on the payment effective date who are entitled to a revised promotion salary based on the FIS (Fixed Incremented Salary) Amount on the Job Data/Compensation page. The FIS Amount:
- Must be equal to or greater than the Hiring Rate of the employee’s grade on the payment effective date based on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect); and
- Must be greater than the employee’s salary on the payment effective date; and
- May exceed the Job Rate of the employee’s grade on the payment effective date based on the 04/01/2023 Salary Schedule (currently in effect).
OSC will automatically insert a row on the employee’s Job Data page effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution) using the Action/Reason code of Pay Rate Change/PMR (Prom Recal) and will update the employee’s salary to reflect the FIS Amount.
Increment Code Update Processing
OSC will automatically update the increment code on the inserted row for employees who receive a performance advance or promotion recalculation as follows:
Current Code | Updated Code |
1001 | 1001 if the new salary is below Job Rate |
2310 if the new salary is equal to Job Rate | |
1004 | 0001 if the new salary is below Job Rate and the Anniversary Date is 10/02/XXXX – 04/01/XXXX |
1001 if the new salary is below Job Rate and the Anniversary Date is 04/02/XXXX – 10/01/XXXX | |
2310 if the new salary is equal to or greater than Job Rate |
OSC will automatically insert a row on the employee’s Job Data page effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution) using the Action/Reason code of Data Chg/CIC (Chg IncCd/or AnnDt/or FIS Sal) and update the following increment code:
Current Code | Updated Code |
1003 | 1001 if the salary on the payment effective date is equal to or greater than Hiring Rate and below Job Rate and the Anniversary Date is 04/02/XXXX – 10/01/XXXX |
Workers’ Compensation
For employees who are receiving Workers’ Compensation under the PEF Medical Evaluation Program, the supplement will be recalculated by OSC when processing payments for disability dates beginning on 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution).
Transactions processed automatically will appear on the NHRP520 Daily Outbound Transaction file.
Control-D Reports Available After Processing:
The following Control-D reports will be available for agency review after the automatic payments have been processed. All reports will be sorted by Department ID, then by employee name in alphabetical order.
NHRP704 – Mass Increment Payment Report
This report identifies all employees who received the automatic October 2023 Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation on the payment effective date. The report includes the Action/Reason code used as well as the old compensation rate and new compensation rate.
NHRP708 – Mass Increment Payment Exception Report
This report identifies employees who did not receive an automatic October 2023 Performance Advance, Promotion Recalculation, or Increment Code Update. Included on the report is one or more of the following messages which identifies the reason(s) the employee’s record was not updated:
- NYS Position Has Both Equated Grade and NTE
- Position and Job do not match
- FIS Missing
- FIS At or Below Current
- FIS Below Hiring Rate
- Increment Code Missing
- Increment Code Invalid
- Inc Code Req Review
- Inc Code Not in Anniv Dt Range
- Sal Below Hiring Rate
- Sal At or Above Job Rate
See Control-D Report Available Prior to Processing for an explanation of these messages.
Agency Actions:
Beginning Administration Pay Period 14L or Institution Pay Period 14L:
The following procedures must be used by the agency when submitting transactions in Administration Pay Period 14L or Institution Pay Period 14L:
- For pay changes, position changes, and transfers requested on the Job Action Requests or Transfer Requests page with an effective date on or before 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution):
- The agency must not include the performance advance in the salary reported in the Pay Rate field.
- The agency must report the proper increment code for October 2023 in the Incr. Code field.
- For pay changes, position changes and transfers requested on the Job Action Requests or Transfer Requests page with an effective date after 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution):
- The agency must include, if applicable, the performance advance in the salary reported in the Pay Rate field.
- The agency must report the projected increment code based on the employee’s next performance advance cycle in the Incr. Code field.
Time Entry
To report miscellaneous earnings that are automatically calculated by the system (e.g. overtime), agencies must separate earnings by pay period so the earnings will not overlap the effective date of the Pay Change transaction.
Beginning Administration Pay Period 15L or Institution Pay Period 15L:
Employees Not Processed Automatically
Beginning in Administration Pay Period 15L or Institution Pay Period 15L, agencies must submit the appropriate transaction(s) for the following employees who are eligible on the payment effective date but will not be processed automatically. Refer to the appropriate instructions described below:
- Eligible employees who are in a composite position (identified by Increment Code 2222) on the payment effective date.
- Eligible employees in a Teaching and Research Nurse position (identified by Increment Code 1028) and ineligible employees in a Teaching and Research Nurse position (identified by Increment Code 1328) at SUNY Stony Brook (Deptid 28058).
- Eligible employees with a Payroll Status of Leave With Pay and an Action/Reason code of Paid Leave of Absence/SKL (Sick Lv) on the payment effective date.
- Eligible employees who are on a Paid or Unpaid Military Stipend Leave or a Military Leave on the payment effective date.
- Eligible employees who are Inactive or on a Leave of Absence not related to a Workers’ Compensation Leave on the payment effective date.
1. Increment Code 2222
Eligible employees who are in a composite position on the payment effective date may receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation. Agencies must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code PAV (Perf Adv) or PMR (Prom Recal) effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution). Information regarding the composite position must be included on the General Comments page.
2. Increment Codes 1028 and 1328
Eligible employees who are in a Teaching and Research Nurse position at SUNY Stony Brook (Deptid 28058) identified by Increment Code 1028 on the payment effective date may receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation. SUNY Stony Brook must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code PAV (Perf Adv) or PMR (Prom Recal) effective 09/28/2023 (Administration). Information regarding the Teaching & Research Nurse position must be included on the General Comments page.
Ineligible employees who are in a Teaching and Research Nurse position at SUNY Stony Brook (Deptid 28058) identified by Increment Code 1328 on the payment effective date will not receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance. SUNY Stony Brook must submit a Data Change on the Job Action Requests page using Reason code CIC (Chg IncCd/or AnnDt/or FIS Sal) effective 09/28/2023 (Administration).
3. Paid Sick Leave
Eligible employees with a Payroll Status of Leave With Pay and an Action/Reason code of Paid Leave of Absence/SKL (Sick Lv) on the payment effective date who completed one (1) year of service in their grade prior to the effective date of the Paid Sick Leave may receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation. Agencies must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code PAV (Perf Adv) or PMR (Prom Recal) effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution).
4. Military Stipend Leave or Military Leave
Eligible employees who are on a Paid or Unpaid Military Stipend Leave, or on a Military Leave on the payment effective date may receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation when they return to the payroll.
If the effective date of the return from leave transaction is on or before 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution), in addition to entering the Return from Leave on the Job Data page, the agency must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code PAV (Perf Adv) or PMR (Prom Recal) effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution).
If the effective date of the return from leave transaction is after 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution), in addition to entering the Return from Leave on the Job Data page, the agency must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code CSL (Cor Sal) and the effective date of the Return from Leave with the next available sequence number.
Inactive or Leave of Absence (not related to a Workers’ Compensation Leave)
Eligible employees who are Inactive or have a Payroll Status of Leave of Absence not related to a Workers’ Compensation Leave on the payment effective date and who completed one (1) year of service in their grade prior to becoming inactive or being placed on a leave of absence may receive the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation when they return to the payroll. In addition, an employee who is Inactive must be rehired within one year to be eligible for the payment.
If the effective date of the rehire or return from leave transaction is on or before 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution), in addition to processing the transaction(s) related to the rehire or return from leave, the agency must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code PAV (Perf Adv) or PMR (Prom Recal) or a Data Chg on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code CIC (Chg IncCd/or AnnDt/or FIS Sal) effective 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution).
If the effective date of the rehire or return from leave transaction is after 09/28/2023 (Administration) or 10/05/2023 (Institution), in addition to processing the transaction(s) related to the rehire or return from leave, the agency must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code CSL (Cor Sal) or a Data Chg on the Job Action Requests page using the Reason code CIC (Chg IncCd/or AnnDt/or FIS Sal) and the effective date of the Rehire or Return from Leave with the next available sequence number.
Determining Adjusted Performance Advance Cycle
When processing a transaction that may affect performance advance eligibility, such as but not limited to a return from leave transaction, the agency must determine if the employee will remain on the performance advance cycle on record and if necessary, update the employee’s increment code and anniversary date.
Reinstating Prior Job Rate Increment Code:
Upward Reallocation
An employee occupying a position that was previously upward reallocated, whose salary at the time of the reallocation was equal to or greater than the Job Rate of the lower graded position and whose salary upon application of the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance is equal to the Job Rate of the reallocated position (based on the 04/01/2023 Schedule) is entitled to the job rate credit for service in the lower grade.
- The increment code of an employee receiving the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance that results in a salary equal to the Job Rate of the reallocated position will be automatically updated from 1001 to 2310.
- The agency must evaluate the employee’s Payroll Status beginning from the time of reallocation through the date of the performance advance to determine if the increment code must be updated.
- If the Payroll Status remained Active, Leave With Pay, or Leave of Absence due to a Workers’ Compensation Leave or Military Leave during this period, the employee is entitled to have the increment code of the lower grade reinstated.
- If the Payroll Status was Leave of Absence not related to a Workers’ Compensation Leave or Military Leave any time during this period, the increment code of the lower grade must be evaluated to determine the appropriate increment code adjustment.
- If the increment code must be updated, the agency must submit a Data Chg on the Job Action Requests page using the same effective date as the performance advance, the Reason code CIC (Chg IncCd/or AnnDt/or FIS Sal) and an increment code reflecting the appropriate job rate credit in the Incr. Code field.
Lateral Position Change from a Non-PEF Position Where the Employee’s Salary was Equal to or Greater Than Job Rate to a PEF Position with a Higher Job Rate
An employee with a salary equal to or greater than the Job Rate of their salary grade, who had a lateral position change to a PEF position with a higher Job Rate, and whose salary upon application of the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance is equal to the Job Rate in the PEF position is entitled to job rate credit for service in the non-PEF position.
- The increment code of an employee receiving the October 2023 PEF Performance Advance that results in a salary equal to the Job Rate of the PEF position will be automatically updated from 1001 to 2310.
- The agency must evaluate the employee’s Payroll Status beginning from the time of lateral position change through the date of the performance advance to determine if the increment code must be updated.
- If the Payroll Status remained Active, Leave With Pay, or Leave of Absence due to a Workers’ Compensation Leave or Military Leave during this period, the employee is entitled to have the increment code of the lower grade reinstated.
- If the Payroll Status was Leave of Absence not related to a Workers’ Compensation Leave or Military Leave any time during this period, the increment code of the lower grade must be evaluated to determine the appropriate increment code adjustment.
- If the increment code must be updated, the agency must submit a Data Chg on the Job Action Requests page using the same effective date as the performance advance, the Reason code CIC (Chg IncCd/or AnnDt/or FIS Sal) and an increment code reflecting the appropriate job rate credit in the Incr. Code field.
Tax Information:
These monies are taxable income, will be included in the employee’s taxable gross, and are subject to all employment taxes and income taxes.
Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox.
Questions regarding position change requests may be directed to the Position Management mailbox.