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NEWS from the Office of the New York State Comptroller
Contact: Press Office 518-474-4015

State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits

January 6, 2022

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced the following local government audits were issued.

Quaker Street Fire District – Board Oversight (Schenectady County)

The board did not ensure all disbursements complied with the procurement policy and claims were for a proper district purpose or adequately supported. Additionally, the board did not provide adequate oversight to ensure the required financial information was filed in a timely manner.

Selkirk Fire Company No. 2 – Board Oversight (Albany County)

The board did not provide adequate oversight of financial operations and cannot be assured all money raised was properly accounted for and deposited. The board did not adopt adequate bylaws and supplemental financial policies and procedures or ensure the treasurer maintained adequate accounting records, deposited collections timely and intact and made mandatory filings accurately and in a timely fashion.

Slate Hill Fire District – Procurement and Claims Processing (Orange County)

District officials did not always use a competitive process to procure goods and services or ensure claims were properly supported or for valid purposes. Officials did not solicit competition for professional services from seven professional service providers totaling $177,827 or seek competitive bids for goods and services from five vendors totaling $273,497.

Village of Watkins Glen – Justice Court Operations (Schuyler County)

Justices did not ensure all fines and fees were properly collected, recorded, deposited, reported and remitted in a timely and accurate manner or prepare monthly accountabilities. As a result, recording and reporting errors occurred and went undetected and court collections were not deposited intact.

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