The New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS) administers two distinct systems. They are:

  • The Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) with 659,750 members; and
  • The Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) with 35,754 members.

There are also 514,629 retirees and beneficiaries in NYSLRS bringing the total to 1,210,133 participants, as of March 31, 2023.

ERS provides service and disability retirement benefits, as well as death benefits, to employees of participating public employers in non-teaching positions outside of New York City. This includes uniformed services personnel, such as correction officers and sheriffs.

PFRS provides service and disability retirement benefits, as well as death benefits, to police officers and firefighters who work for participating public employers outside of New York City.

The New York State Comptroller is the administrative head of the Retirement System. As fiduciary, the Comptroller acts in the best interests of the System’s members and retirees. The Comptroller is the trustee of the Common Retirement Fund (the value of the Fund was $248.5 billion as of March 31, 2023). He also ensures that the different benefit programs offered by NYSLRS are managed properly and effectively.

See our Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for additional information about the Retirement System’s financial activities.

Rev. 9/23