NYSLRS Virtual Chatbot
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Many of your questions are answered right here. Let us help you find the information you need.
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I Need to Report a Death »
You can report the death of a member or retiree by using our online death report form. You can also report a death by phone or mail. Please note that we will need an original, certified death certificate before any death benefits can be processed or paid.
Online Form: Please complete all required fields on the report a death form and be sure to provide your phone number in case we need to call for additional information. You can upload a photocopy of the death certificate so NYSLRS can begin identifying any benefits that may be payable.
Call: 1-866-805-0990 and press 3 and then 1. You will be asked for the member’s NYSLRS ID, retirement or registration number (or Social Security number if you don’t have these account numbers) and the date of death. You may also be asked for the address and phone numbers of immediate family members who may be beneficiaries.
Mail: NYSLRS will need an original, certified death certificate before any death benefits can be processed or paid. Please mail a death certificate (please include your contact information) to:
Attn: Survivor Services
110 State St
Albany, NY 12244
Note: you may wish to send the death certificate by certified mail, return receipt requested.
I want information about:
- Contact Information Changes
- Forms
- Loans
- Member Annual Statement
- Mortgage Letter / Account Verification
- My Retirement Plan
- Pension Estimates
- Retirement Online
- Service Credit
- Withdrawing from NYSLRS
Contact Information Changes
I need to update my address to a PO box or an international address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your address and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Complete and mail a Change of Address Form (RS5512); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old address, new address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my address to a U.S. street address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your address and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new addresses);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area);
- Complete and mail a Change of Address Form (RS5512); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old address, new address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my email address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your email address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your email address and click “update.”
You can also use Retirement Online to tell us how you prefer to receive correspondence. If you choose email, we’ll send an email notifying you to sign in to Retirement Online when you have correspondence to view. Please note that certain correspondence may be sent by mail for security purposes.
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new email addresses);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old email address, new email address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my phone number.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your phone number with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your phone number and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new phone numbers);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old phone number, new phone number, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
Online Forms
Most of our forms can be printed from our Forms page.
Mailed Forms
Have forms mailed to you using our automated phone system.
- Call toll-free at 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area).
- Press 2 and follow the prompts.
How much can I borrow?
The minimum loan is $25 for Tier 1 and 2 members and $1,000 for Tier 3, 4, 5 and 6 members.
If you joined NYSLRS before January 1, 2018, the maximum loan is 75 percent of your contribution balance, minus any outstanding loan balance. If you joined January 1, 2018, or later, the total maximum loan (including all of your outstanding loan balances) is either 50 percent of your contribution balance or $50,000, whichever is less.
Sign in to Retirement Online. From your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Account Summary’ section, click the “Apply for a Loan” button to find out how much you are eligible to borrow.
You can check your eligibility date with our automated phone system. Call 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area). Press 2 for members, then follow the prompts.
Loans may be subject to federal taxes and an additional 10 percent penalty, depending on the size and type of loan. We strongly recommend that you read the loan requirements on our Loans: Applying and Repaying page before you apply.
When will I be eligible for a loan?
Tier 1 and 2 members must wait 90 days from the date of their last loan. Tier 3, 4, 5 and 6 members must wait one year from the date of their last loan. Call 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area) to find out your eligibility date. Press 2 for members, then follow the prompts.
How do I apply?
Retirement Online is the fastest way to apply for a loan from NYSLRS. Sign In, then click Apply for a Loan. If you don’t already have an account, you can learn more and register for Retirement Online today.
You can also print, complete and mail us a notarized paper loan application:
For more information about taking a loan with NYSLRS, visit our Loans page.
What’s the status of my loan?
If you apply for a loan through Retirement Online, you will receive immediate confirmation that we’ve received your application, and you can use Retirement Online to check the status of your application.
Whether you apply online or by mail, you can call 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area) to check on your loan application. Press 2 for members, then follow the prompts.
How do I repay my loan?
Loans are repaid through payroll deductions, and they must be repaid within five years. Retirement Online is the easiest way to manage your loan payments. You can check your payoff balance, make a payment, review your payment history, change your payment amount or send additional payments using Retirement Online. You can also use a calculator to estimate a payment amount based on a payoff date, or estimate a payoff date based on a payment amount. Sign in and select “Manage My Loans.”
If you pay the minimum payment or if you miss payments (for example, if you go on leave without pay), your payroll deduction may be automatically increased to ensure that your loans are paid within the required five-year term to avoid default. To keep your payments current when you are off payroll, you may also make a payment using Retirement Online. Please visit the Repaying Your Loan section of our Loans page for more information.
Member Annual Statement
When will I receive my Member Annual Statement?
Statements are distributed in late spring. Your Statement provides the information we have on file for you as of March 31, the close of our fiscal year. You can review your current account information throughout the year by signing in to Retirement Online.
You can receive your Statement faster by choosing to receive it through email. You’ll receive an email that directs you to Retirement Online to see your Statement when it’s ready. Sign in to Retirement Online, go to the “My Profile Information” area of your Account Homepage and click “update” next to “Member Annual Statement by.” If you don’t choose email delivery, we will mail your Statement to the address we have on file for you.
It’s important to make sure NYSLRS has your correct email and mailing address. Sign in to Retirement Online and update your contact information if needed.
Visit our Member Annual Statement page for more information.
How do I get a copy of my Member Annual Statement?
You can use Retirement Online to view and print your Statement. You can also generate previous years’ Statements dating back to 2020. Sign in to your Retirement Online account. From your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Account Summary’ section, click the “View My Member Annual Statement” button and select the year you wish to view.
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can request a reprint by:
- Using our secure contact form; or
- Calling toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area).
We can’t reprint:
- Statements from previous years; or
- Current year Statements, from March 31 until June, when the mailing for that year is complete.
Remember, your Statement provides information as of the end of the State fiscal year (March 31). Your Retirement Online account displays more recent information, and it is updated regularly after your employer reports your service and earnings to NYSLRS. If you need account information for a financial institution (for example, if you are applying for a mortgage), please read the Mortgage Letter/Account Verification section of this FAQ.
Visit our Member Annual Statement page for more information.
Mortgage Letter / Account Verification
I need account verification for a mortgage company.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to generate a mortgage letter with NYSLRS. Sign In, and on your Account Homepage, click "Generate Mortgage Verification Letter."
You can also submit your request using our secure contact form. Tell us what information you need (account balances or mortgage letters are most common). Be sure to include your personal verification and contact information when you submit your email. In most cases, we’ll mail you a letter within five to seven business days.
My Retirement Plan
Where can I find my retirement plan publication?
Sign in to Retirement Online and find your benefit plan listed under ‘My Account Summary.’ Your benefit plan will be listed as a code, for example, A15.
Then go to our Find Your NYSLRS Retirement Plan Publication page and enter your benefit plan code into the Search box. Or, you can sort through the list of retirement plan publications by tier and retirement system.
You can also request your retirement plan publication using our secure contact form.
Pension Estimates
Can I estimate my pension amount online?
Use Retirement Online to Create Custom Pension Estimates
Most members can estimate their pension using the benefit calculator in Retirement Online. The calculator uses your salary and service credit information to create an estimate based on the date of retirement you select (you have to be eligible to retire on that date). You can fine-tune your estimate by entering different retirement dates, beneficiaries, earnings, and service credit amounts to see how they affect your potential benefit, and then save or print it. Sign in to Retirement Online. From your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Account Summary’ section, click the “Estimate my Pension Benefit” button.
Members in certain circumstances (for example, members who have recently transferred a membership to NYSLRS) are not able to use the Retirement Online calculator at this time. These members should send a message using our secure contact form to request an estimate.
Use the “Quick Calculator”
Most members can use our online Quick Calculator, which estimates benefits based on information you enter.
Can I get an estimate by phone?
Most Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) members can request a system-generated estimate (benefit projection) by phone as long as you have enough years of service to be eligible for a pension and you are age 50 or older. The system will use salary reported to date and project additional service credit based on a date of retirement up to five years in the future.
Call toll-free at 1-866-805-0990, press 2 for members and follow the prompts to receive a projection of your retirement benefits. In most cases, we’ll mail your projection to your home address on the next business day.
ERS members who have enough service to be eligible for a pension, but are more than 5 years away from retirement eligibility, can contact us to request an estimate. Even if you’re not near retirement age, getting an estimate may prove beneficial if you’re considering leaving the payroll of a participating employer.
- Email us using our secure contact form.
- Call toll-free at 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area).
Retirement Online
I am having trouble signing in to Retirement Online.
Account Lock Out
- Click “OK” on the pop-up message saying your account is locked.
- Select how you want to receive your security code and click “Next.”
- Enter the security code you received and click “Submit.”
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Enter a new password and click “Reset Password.”
If you are unable to unlock your account, please call us toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 within the Albany, New York area), press 2 and follow the prompts.
Password Reset (read our Forgot Password help guide)
- Go to the Retirement Online Sign In page.
- Click "Forgot Password." Enter your user ID and select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Enter a new password and click "Reset Password."
Forgot User ID (read our Forgot User ID help guide)
- Go to the Retirement Online Sign In page.
- Click "Forgot ID." Enter your last name, ZIP code, date of birth and email address, and select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Your user ID will be displayed on the screen.
When is Retirement Online available?
Retirement Online is generally available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:00 am to 9:30 pm; Tuesday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; and weekends from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Visit the Retirement Online Sign In page for the most current hours of availability.
Service Credit
How do I apply to receive credit for previous public employment?
You may be able to receive credit for service with a participating employer before you joined NYSLRS. You can apply:
- Through Retirement Online. Sign in to your account, go to “My Account Summary” and select “View My Employment Summary.” If you are missing service credit, return to your Account Summary and select “Manage My Service Credit Purchases” to request to receive credit for your missing service. You can upload any supporting documentation you may have through Retirement Online as well.
- By mail or email. Complete the Request to Purchase Service Credit (RS5042) form. You can attach it to an email using our secure contact form, or you can mail it to:
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
For more information about creditable previous service, cost to purchase credit, and how it may increase your pension, please read our publication, Service Credit for Tiers 2 through 6 (VO1854).
How do I apply for military service credit?
You may be entitled to receive additional credit toward your retirement benefit for your military service. You can request credit for your military service through Retirement Online. Go to the “My Account Summary” area of your Account Homepage and click “Manage my Service Credit Purchases.”
Or, you can complete Request to Purchase Service Credit (RS5042) form. You can attach it to an email using the secure contact form, or you can mail it to:
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
Include a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214). You can upload this when you apply using Retirement Online. Once we receive your request, we will determine whether you qualify.
For more information about getting credit for your military service, including eligibility requirements and the cost, please visit our Military Service Credit page.
Withdrawing from NYSLRS
How do I withdraw and receive a refund of my contributions?
You can withdraw your membership and receive a contribution refund if you separate from service (terminate or resign) with a participating employer. You must be off the payroll for at least 15 days and have less than ten years of service credit. You can withdraw:
- Online. Sign in to Retirement Online. From your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Account Summary’ section, click the “Withdraw My Membership” button.
- By mail. Complete a Withdrawal Application (RS5014). Be sure to read and complete all four pages, and send it to:
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
You can receive the refund directly or roll your contributions over to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or other qualified retirement plan.
I want information about:
- 1099-R Tax Form
- Contact Information Changes
- Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
- Direct Deposit
- Federal Taxes
- Forms
- Health Insurance
- Pension Checks
- Pension Verification Letters
- Retirement Online
1099-R Tax Form
What is a 1099-R tax form?
A 1099-R tax form is used to report the distribution of taxable retirement benefits. It shows the taxable amount of your NYSLRS pension and is provided annually for filing your taxes.
When and how are 1099-Rs distributed?
1099-Rs are distributed annually for filing your taxes.
- Mailed Delivery: We mail printed 1099-Rs by January 31.
- Email Delivery (Online Availability): We make 1099-Rs available in Retirement Online sooner than printed copies are mailed—we will notify you by email generally around mid-January.
Note: The default delivery preference is mail. If you did not change your 1099-R delivery preference to email in Retirement Online, you will receive a mailed 1099-R. Regardless of your delivery preference, you will be able to get your 1099-R online at the end of January.
How do I get a copy or reprint of my 1099-R tax form?
Use Retirement Online to Get Your 1099-R
The fastest way to get your 1099-R is with Retirement Online. To view, save or print your 1099-R:
- Sign in to Retirement Online.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Manage My 1099-R Tax Forms button.
- Select an option from Year dropdown. (Note: 2024 and 2023 are currently available online.)
- Click Generate button.
If you don't have an account, learn more about Retirement Online and click Register Now.
If you need help with Retirement Online, visit the Tools & Tips section of the Retirement Online page for step-by-step instructions to register, sign in for the first time, reset your password, retrieve your user ID, unlock your account and more.
1099-R Reprints
You may request a 1099-R reprint for calendar years 2021, 2022 and 2023 by completing and submitting the online form on our Taxes and Your pension page. We will process your request once reprints for 2024 are available in mid-February.
Before requesting a reprint, we recommend you sign in to Retirement Online and check the mailing address we have on file for you. If your address has recently changed, click “yes” for that question on the reprint form. Enter both your old and new address and all required information to verify your identity.
Your reprint should be mailed within 5 to 7 business days.
How do I update my delivery preference to get an email notification when my 1099-R is available online?
To update your delivery preference to get an email notification when your 1099-R tax form is available online next year:
- Sign in to Retirement Online.
- Look under My Profile Information.
- Click the update next to ‘1099-R Tax Form Delivery by.’
- Choose Email from the dropdown.
If you choose to receive your 1099-R by email, you will not receive a printed copy in the mail. Regardless of your delivery preference, you will be able to get your 1099-R online at the end of January.
Contact Information Changes
I need to update my address to a PO box or an international address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your address and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Complete and mail a Change of Address Form (RS5512); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old address, new address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my address to a U.S. street address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your address and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new addresses);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area);
- Complete and mail a Change of Address Form (RS5512); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old address, new address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my email address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your email address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your email address and click “update.”
You can also use Retirement Online to tell us how you prefer to receive correspondence. If you choose email, we’ll send an email notifying you to sign in to Retirement Online when you have correspondence to view. Please note that certain correspondence may be sent by mail for security purposes.
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new email addresses);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old email address, new email address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my phone number.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your phone number with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your phone number and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new phone numbers);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old phone number, new phone number, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
When will I be eligible for COLA?
If you are not yet receiving a COLA payment, you can find out when you will be become eligible by sending a message using our secure contact form or by calling 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area). Press 2 for retirees and follow the prompts. You will receive your first COLA increase in the month following the month you become eligible. We will send you a letter explaining the amount you’ll receive for that first payment (which will include a pro-rated amount for the month you became eligible) and also your regular monthly COLA amount.
How much is my COLA?
If you are already receiving a COLA payment, you can sign in to Retirement Online to view a current breakdown of your pension payment, including the amount of your COLA. Our automated phone service can also tell you your current COLA amount and rate. Call 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area), press 2 for retirees and follow the prompts.
Once COLA payments start, they continue automatically and your benefit will be adjusted every September. You will receive a notification of the net change in your monthly pension amount in September if you receive your pension through direct deposit.
Where can I find general information about who is eligible, this year’s rate and how COLA is calculated?
Visit our Cost-of-Living Adjustment page for general information about COLA, how it’s calculated, this year’s increase and when NYSLRS retirees become eligible.
Direct Deposit
What day are payments deposited?
If you are signed up for direct deposit, you’ll have access to your retirement benefit on the last business day of the month (indicated by an “E” on the Pension Payment Calendar).
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
Retirement Online is the fastest way to sign up for direct deposit. To get started, sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “Update Direct Deposit” link. If you don’t already have an account, you can learn more about and register for Retirement Online today.
Another way to sign up for direct deposit is to complete a Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370). Either attach a voided check or have a bank representative complete section three of the form.
NYSLRS will send you a letter confirming you’ve signed up and the effective date. Once we’ve confirmed your enrollment, we will electronically deposit your retirement benefit into your checking or savings account on the last business day of each month.
How do I change my direct deposit information?
If you need to update your bank account information or change banks, use Retirement Online to update your direct deposit information. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “Update Direct Deposit” link. If you don’t already have an account, you can learn more about and register for Retirement Online today.
If you choose not to update your information through Retirement Online, you can either complete another Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370) or have the bank fax the following information to 518-473-5323 on bank letterhead:
- Your name;
- Both the old and new routing and account numbers; and
- A bank representative’s signature.
NYSLRS will send you a letter confirming the change and the effective date.
How do I view pension payment details?
Whether you receive your payment by direct deposit or mailed check, you can view your benefit payment pay stub in Retirement Online. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “View Pension Check” link, then select the date of the pension payment that you want to view. You will be able to view pay stubs for pension payments beginning with your January 2023 payment and going forward.
Federal Taxes
How much is my current withholding?
To check your current withholding, sign in to Retirement Online and view your pension pay stub.
You can also use our automated phone service to get your current withholding status. Call 866-805-0990, press 2 and follow the prompts.
How do I change my tax withholding?
Use Retirement Online to Update Your Withholding
Retirement Online is the fastest and most convenient way to update your withholding information.
- Sign in to Retirement Online.
- From Account Homepage, click Update My W-4P Tax Information.
- Follow steps to update withholding. (For more information, read about using Retirement Online to update your withholding on our Taxes and Your Pension page.)
If you update your federal withholding online by the middle of the month, your changes will generally be applied that month.
Other Ways to Update Your Withholding
You can download, print and complete a paper W-4P Form to update your withholding information. Please note, using a paper form will take longer for the information to reach us. If you do use a form, be sure to use the NYSLRS W-4P Form revised 09/24 and make sure you sign and date it. We will not accept previous versions of the W-4P Form.
We'll notify you by mail or email (depending on your contact preference) when the update has been completed.
Online Forms
Most of our forms can be printed from our Forms page. Under the Retiree and Beneficiary Forms, you’ll find forms specifically for retirees, including the W-4P form (to change your federal tax withholding), and the Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370).
Mailed Forms
Have forms mailed to you using our automated phone system.
- Call toll-free at 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area).
- Press 2 and follow the prompts.
Health Insurance
I have health insurance questions.
We don’t administer health insurance programs. We may deduct premiums from your monthly pension benefit to pay for your health insurance coverage if your former employer instructs us to do so, but we are not able to tell you why your health insurance deduction may have changed.
If you retired from New York State, please direct questions about health insurance coverage or Medicare reimbursement to the New York State Department of Civil Service:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 1-800-833-4344 or 518-457-5754 weekdays from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Write: NYS Department of Civil Service, Employee Benefits Division, Albany, NY 12239.
If you retired from a public employer other than New York State (a county, city, town, village or school district), please contact your former employer’s benefits administrator.
Pension Checks
What day are checks mailed?
Your retirement benefit check is mailed on the second-to-the-last business day of each month for that month (indicated by an “M” on the Pension Payment Calendar).
What do I do if I did not receive my check in the mail?
If you have not received your retirement benefit check by the eighth of the following month, please contact us to request a replacement check. If you received your check and it was lost or stolen, call us immediately at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 within the Albany, New York area), press 2 and follow the prompts. If you message us using our secure contact form, be sure to include your telephone number (with area code) so we can call you.
If you receive your check by mail, it is important to notify us of any address changes as quickly as possible as the Post Office may not forward your check.
If you sign up for direct deposit, your retirement payments will be deposited directly into your checking or savings account on the last business day of each month. More than 95 percent of our retired members take advantage of this safe and convenient way to receive retirement benefits.
Pension Verification Letters
I need verification of my pension income.
Our retirees often need pension verification letters for housing or the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). There are a few ways to request a pension verification letter:
- Use Retirement Online to create your own letter. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “Generate Income Verification Letter” link. This is the quickest way to obtain your letter.
- Use our secure contact form. Tell us what information you need and be sure to include your daytime phone number, in case our customer service representatives have a question. In most cases, we’ll mail your letter in five to seven business days.
- Fax your request to 518-473-5590. Include your NYSLRS ID, current address, signature and phone number in case we have questions. Tell us whether you want the letter mailed or faxed to you (and provide a fax number).
If you want the letter sent to an entity like a mortgage company, they must fax a request to us on their letterhead along with a signed release from you giving us permission to release your information.
Retirement Online
I am having trouble signing in to Retirement Online.
Account Lock Out
- Click “OK” on the pop-up message saying your account is locked.
- Select how you want to receive your security code and click “Next.”
- Enter the security code you received and click “Submit.”
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Enter a new password and click “Reset Password.”
If you are unable to unlock your account, please call us toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 within the Albany, New York area), press 2 and follow the prompts.
Password Reset (read our Forgot Password help guide)
- Go to the Retirement Online Sign In page.
- Click "Forgot Password." Enter your user ID and select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Enter a new password and click "Reset Password."
Forgot User ID (read our Forgot User ID help guide)
- Go to the Retirement Online Sign In page.
- Click "Forgot ID." Enter your last name, ZIP code, date of birth and email address, and select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Your user ID will be displayed on the screen.
When is Retirement Online available?
Retirement Online is generally available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:00 am to 9:30 pm; Tuesday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; and weekends from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Visit the Retirement Online Sign In page for the most current hours of availability.
I want information about:
- 1099-R Tax Form
- Contact Information Changes
- Direct Deposit
- Federal Taxes
- Forms
- Pension Checks
- Pension Verification Letters
- Reporting a Death
- Retirement Online
- Who is a Beneficiary?
1099-R Tax Form
What is a 1099-R tax form?
A 1099-R tax form is used to report the distribution of taxable retirement benefits. It shows the taxable amount of your NYSLRS pension and is provided annually for filing your taxes.
When and how are 1099-Rs distributed?
1099-Rs are distributed annually for filing your taxes.
- Mailed Delivery: We mail printed 1099-Rs by January 31.
- Email Delivery (Online Availability): We make 1099-Rs available in Retirement Online sooner than printed copies are mailed—we will notify you by email generally around mid-January.
Note: The default delivery preference is mail. If you did not change your 1099-R delivery preference to email in Retirement Online, you will receive a mailed 1099-R. Regardless of your delivery preference, you will be able to get your 1099-R online at the end of January.
How do I get a copy or reprint of my 1099-R tax form?
Use Retirement Online to Get Your 1099-R
The fastest way to get your 1099-R is with Retirement Online. To view, save or print your 1099-R:
- Sign in to Retirement Online.
- Look under My Account Summary.
- Click Manage My 1099-R Tax Forms button.
- Select an option from Year dropdown. (Note: 2024 and 2023 are currently available online.)
- Click Generate button.
If you don't have an account, learn more about Retirement Online and click Register Now.
If you need help with Retirement Online, visit the Tools & Tips section of the Retirement Online page for step-by-step instructions to register, sign in for the first time, reset your password, retrieve your user ID, unlock your account and more.
1099-R Reprints
You may request a 1099-R reprint for calendar years 2021, 2022 and 2023 by completing and submitting the online form on our Taxes and Your pension page. We will process your request once reprints for 2024 are available in mid-February.
Before requesting a reprint, we recommend you sign in to Retirement Online and check the mailing address we have on file for you. If your address has recently changed, click “yes” for that question on the reprint form. Enter both your old and new address and all required information to verify your identity.
Your reprint should be mailed within 5 to 7 business days.
How do I update my delivery preference to get an email notification when my 1099-R is available online?
To update your delivery preference to get an email notification when your 1099-R tax form is available online next year:
- Sign in to Retirement Online.
- Look under My Profile Information.
- Click the update next to ‘1099-R Tax Form Delivery by.’
- Choose Email from the dropdown.
If you choose to receive your 1099-R by email, you will not receive a printed copy in the mail. Regardless of your delivery preference, you will be able to get your 1099-R online at the end of January.
Contact Information Changes
I need to update my address to a PO box or an international address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your address and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Complete and mail a Change of Address Form (RS5512); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old address, new address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my address to a U.S. street address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your address and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new addresses);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area);
- Complete and mail a Change of Address Form (RS5512); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old address, new address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my email address.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your email address with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your email address and click “update.”
You can also use Retirement Online to tell us how you prefer to receive correspondence. If you choose email, we’ll send an email notifying you to sign in to Retirement Online when you have correspondence to view. Please note that certain correspondence may be sent by mail for security purposes.
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new email addresses);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old email address, new email address, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
I need to update my phone number.
Retirement Online is the fastest way to update your phone number with NYSLRS. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘My Profile Information’ section, find your phone number and click “update.”
If you don’t have a Retirement Online account, you can:
- Use our secure contact form (complete all form fields, and provide your old and new phone numbers);
- Call toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area); or
Mail a signed letter (including your name, old phone number, new phone number, date of change and NYSLRS ID) to:
Attn: Member Services
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
Direct Deposit
What day are payments deposited?
If you are signed up for direct deposit, you’ll have access to your retirement benefit on the last business day of the month (indicated by an “E” on the Pension Payment Calendar).
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
Retirement Online is the fastest way to sign up for direct deposit. To get started, sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “Update Direct Deposit” link. If you don’t already have an account, you can learn more about and register for Retirement Online today.
Another way to sign up for direct deposit is to complete a Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370). Either attach a voided check or have a bank representative complete section three of the form.
NYSLRS will send you a letter confirming you’ve signed up and the effective date. Once we’ve confirmed your enrollment, we will electronically deposit your retirement benefit into your checking or savings account on the last business day of each month.
How do I change my direct deposit information?
If you need to update your bank account information or change banks, use Retirement Online to update your direct deposit information. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “Update Direct Deposit” link. If you don’t already have an account, you can learn more about and register for Retirement Online today.
If you choose not to update your information through Retirement Online, you can either complete another Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370) or have the bank fax the following information to 518-473-5323 on bank letterhead:
- Your name;
- Both the old and new routing and account numbers; and
- A bank representative’s signature.
NYSLRS will send you a letter confirming the change and the effective date.
How do I view pension payment details?
Whether you receive your payment by direct deposit or mailed check, you can view your benefit payment pay stub in Retirement Online. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “View Pension Check” link, then select the date of the pension payment that you want to view. You will be able to view pay stubs for pension payments beginning with your January 2023 payment and going forward.
Federal Taxes
How much is my current withholding?
To check your current withholding, sign in to Retirement Online and view your pension pay stub.
You can also use our automated phone service to get your current withholding status. Call 866-805-0990, press 2 and follow the prompts.
How do I change my withholding?
Use Retirement Online to Update Your Withholding
Retirement Online is the fastest and most convenient way to update your withholding information.
- Sign in to Retirement Online.
- From Account Homepage, click Update My W-4P Tax Information.
- Follow steps to update withholding. (For more information, read about using Retirement Online to update your withholding on our Taxes and Your Pension page.)
If you update your federal withholding online by the middle of the month, your changes will generally be applied that month.
Other Ways to Update Your Withholding
You can download, print and complete a paper W-4P Form to update your withholding information. Please note, using a paper form will take longer for the information to reach us. If you do use a form, be sure to use the NYSLRS W-4P Form revised 09/24 and make sure you sign and date it. We will not accept previous versions of the W-4P Form.
We'll notify you by mail or email (depending on your contact preference) when the update has been completed.
Online Forms
Most of our forms can be printed from our Forms page. Under the Retiree and Beneficiary Forms, you’ll find forms specifically for retirees, including the W-4P form (to change your federal tax withholding), and the Direct Deposit Enrollment Application (RS6370).
Mailed Forms
Have forms mailed to you using our automated phone system.
- Call toll-free at 1-866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 in the Albany, New York area).
- Press 2 and follow the prompts.
Pension Checks
What day are checks mailed?
Your retirement benefit check is mailed on the second-to-the-last business day of each month for that month (indicated by an “M” on the Pension Payment Calendar).
What do I do if I did not receive my check in the mail?
If you have not received your retirement benefit check by the eighth of the following month, please contact us to request a replacement check. If you received your check and it was lost or stolen, call us immediately at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 within the Albany, New York area), press 2 and follow the prompts. If you message us using our secure contact form, be sure to include your telephone number (with area code) so we can call you.
If you receive your check by mail, it is important to notify us of any address changes as quickly as possible as the Post Office may not forward your check.
If you sign up for direct deposit, your retirement payments will be deposited directly into your checking or savings account on the last business day of each month. More than 95 percent of our retired members take advantage of this safe and convenient way to receive retirement benefits.
Pension Verification Letters
I need verification of my pension income.
Our retirees often need pension verification letters for housing or the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). There are a few ways to request a pension verification letter:
- Use Retirement Online to create your own letter. Sign in to Retirement Online. From the top of your Account Homepage, in the ‘I want to…’ section, click the “Generate Income Verification Letter” link. This is the quickest way to obtain your letter.
- Use our secure contact form. Tell us what information you need and be sure to include your daytime phone number, in case our customer service representatives have a question. In most cases, we’ll mail your letter in five to seven business days.
- Fax your request to 518-473-5590. Include your NYSLRS ID, current address, signature and phone number in case we have questions. Tell us whether you want the letter mailed or faxed to you (and provide a fax number).
If you want the letter sent to an entity like a mortgage company, they must fax a request to us on their letterhead along with a signed release from you giving us permission to release your information.
Reporting a Death
I Need to Report a Death
You can report the death of a member or retiree by using our online death report form. You can also report a death by phone or mail. Please note that we will need an original, certified death certificate before any death benefits can be processed or paid.
Online Form: Please complete all required fields on the report a death form and be sure to provide your phone number in case we need to call for additional information. You can upload a photocopy of the death certificate so NYSLRS can begin identifying any benefits that may be payable.
Call: 1-866-805-0990 and press 3 and then 1. You will be asked for the member’s NYSLRS ID, retirement or registration number (or Social Security number if you don’t have these account numbers) and the date of death. You may also be asked for the address and phone numbers of immediate family members who may be beneficiaries.
Mail: NYSLRS will need an original, certified death certificate before any death benefits can be processed or paid. Please mail a death certificate (please include your contact information) to:
Attn: Survivor Services
110 State St
Albany, NY 12244
Note: you may wish to send the death certificate by certified mail, return receipt requested.
When will I receive death benefit payments?
Once we receive an original death certificate, we will send named beneficiaries, or their certified representatives (guardians, powers of attorney, executors), information about any continuing pension benefits and death benefits that may be payable based on the member or retiree’s tier and retirement plan. We will also send named beneficiaries the appropriate forms to complete.
It could take several months from the date we are notified of a death to the date that any death benefit is paid, or a continuing pension benefit begins. This is the average time necessary to recover any pension payments made after the retiree’s death and calculate any death benefit that may be due, as well as receive a certified copy of the death certificate, tax withholding forms and notarized forms certifying the identity of named beneficiaries.
Retirement Online
What is Retirement Online?
If you are a beneficiary receiving a monthly benefit from NYSLRS, Retirement Online is the convenient and secure way to review your benefits and conduct transactions in real time. Beneficiaries can update their contact information, manage their direct deposit information, update their federal tax withholding, generate an income verification letter and view account information. Learn more about and register for Retirement Online today.
Who can register for Retirement Online?
To access Retirement Online, beneficiaries must be receiving a monthly pension from NYSLRS. (For example, you might receive a monthly joint-allowance pension benefit due to the death of a spouse.) If the member or retiree who named you as a beneficiary is still alive, you will not be able to sign up for an account.
I am having trouble signing in to Retirement Online.
Account Lock Out
- Click “OK” on the pop-up message saying your account is locked.
- Select how you want to receive your security code and click “Next.”
- Enter the security code you received and click “Submit.”
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Enter a new password and click “Reset Password.”
If you are unable to unlock your account, please call us toll-free at 866-805-0990 (518-474-7736 within the Albany, New York area), press 2 and follow the prompts.
Password Reset (read our Forgot Password help guide)
- Go to the Retirement Online Sign In page.
- Click "Forgot Password." Enter your user ID and select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Enter a new password and click "Reset Password."
Forgot User ID (read our Forgot User ID help guide)
- Go to the Retirement Online Sign In page.
- Click "Forgot ID." Enter your last name, ZIP code, date of birth and email address, and select the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
- Correctly answer secret questions that you created when you first registered.
- Your user ID will be displayed on the screen.
When is Retirement Online available?
Retirement Online is generally available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:00 am to 9:30 pm; Tuesday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; and weekends from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Visit the Retirement Online Sign In page for the most current hours of availability.
Who is a Beneficiary?
Generally, it’s the person, trust or organization that a NYSLRS member or retiree designates to receive a benefit after they die. There are several different types. Some may be entitled to a one-time payment; others to a monthly pension.
For the purposes of account access, enrollment in Retirement Online and tax information, “beneficiary” has a more specific meaning. In these cases, we mean someone who is already receiving a monthly payment due to the death of a NYSLRS member or retiree — if the member or retiree who named you as a beneficiary is still alive, you will not be able to access that member's account information or make changes.
How to Contact Us
If you did not find the answer to your question above, please send us a message using our secure contact form. You should receive a response within 5 to 7 business days.
Toll-free: 866-805-0990 (long distance within the U.S., Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands)
Customer service representatives are available weekdays from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. If you can’t connect with a representative, email us (see instructions above).
Visit our Automated Phone Service page for members, or the Automated Phone Service page for retirees, to see the information you can access without speaking to a representative.
Please include your NYSLRS ID or retirement number in any correspondence, and mail your letter to:
110 State Street
Albany, NY 12244-0001
Please include:
- Your name;
- Your NYSLRS ID, retirement number or the last four digits of your Social Security number;
- The name or department you're trying to reach; and
- A phone number where we can reach you.
We’ll consider your form filed on the date we receive the fax, but you must still mail us the original document to continue the process and properly complete any filing requirements.
Document | Fax Number | Department |
Service retirement documents (retirement application, option form, proof of your date of birth) | 518-474-3510 | Benefit Calculation and Disbursements Bureau |
Disability retirement documents (applications or in-process applications) | 518-474-3091 or 518-408-3587 | Disability Processing |
Disability retirement documents (approved applications) | 518-408-3766 | Disability Calculations |
Member documents (designation of beneficiary forms) | 518-474-9438 | Member and Employer Services Bureau |
All other documents | 518-402-4433 |
Schedule a Pre-Retirement Consultation
If you’re nearing retirement, you may want to speak with one of our representatives to review your benefits and answer any questions you may have.
You will need an appointment for a pre-retirement consultation. To schedule one, please call 866-805-0990.
Appointments are available by phone or in-person at our offices located in Albany, Buffalo, Hauppauge and New York City.
For more information, including tips on preparing for your consultation, visit our Pre-Retirement Consultations page.
Using Retirement Online
For questions about using Retirement Online and for technical assistance, complete our help desk form, or call 844-619-9614 and press 1 to access the employer menu, then press 1.
General Employer Questions
Employers can use our help desk form or call 866-805-0990 (press 1 to access the employer menu) to ask questions about member enrollment, reporting, billing, employer education, hosting a seminar and more.
Report a Data Security Breach
If your location’s operations are interrupted by a data security breach, ransomware attack or other cyber security incident, call our help desk immediately at 1-844-619-9614 and press 1 to reach a staff member who can assist you. These incidents put the safety and security of your data at risk, and they have the potential to affect those you share data with, like the Retirement System.
Business Partners (Attorneys, Hearing Officers, Court Reporters)
Definition of a Business Partner
An individual who assumes a formal role in a NYSLRS hearing or proceeding, but is not a NYSLRS member, retiree or employer, is a business partner. Here are some examples:
- Attorneys
- Hearing officers
- Court reporters
- Independent medical examiners
For more information and helpful resources, please visit our Business Partners page.
Registering for Retirement Online
If you are interested in using Retirement Online, please email our Hearing Administration Bureau. They will set up an account for you.
For more information on using Retirement Online, please visit our Learn More page.
Help with Retirement Online
If you already have a Retirement Online account and you need technical assistance, complete our help desk form.