You may be able to obtain credit for your previous public employment or military service. It is very important that you claim all the service credit you are entitled to receive as early as possible, because records documenting your previous service may be lost or destroyed with the passage of time.
Please note that certain types of credit listed below may not provide additional benefits under your special plan. Contact us to verify what service would be creditable.
Prior Service
Prior service is any period of time you received salary from a participating employer before that employer elected to participate in the Retirement System.
Service Before Your Date of Membership
You may receive credit for working for a participating employer before you joined the Retirement System.
Military Service
You may be able to receive credit for some or all of your military service. To determine your eligibility and the cost, if any, please send us a copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214).
Service From a Previous Membership
If you previously were a member of this System, or another public retirement system in New York State, your service may be recredited and your date of membership and tier restored. However, an earlier tier of membership does not always result in a better benefit. Please review your options carefully before making your decision, and contact us with any questions you may have.
For reinstatement to Tier 1, Tier 2 or to an earlier membership date within Tier 2, send us a completed Application to Reinstate a Former Tier 1 or 2 Membership (RS5506). If your previous membership was with another retirement system, please write to our Member & Employer Services Bureau.